The Human Head Weighs Eight Pounds
I'm struggling, really struggling and I don't know where to start with this blog, to be honest I am forcing myself to write it.
I wish there was a switch, tablet, task, operation, magic
trick or action you could take to snap out of depression, if there was I would
be first in line. I hate being miserable, worthless, having no purpose, numb,
suicidal and having to put on a brave face to mask my despondency.
I wish, I had that ability some people seem to have to move
on, box off, forget, park their troubles and issues.
I wish, I had that skill to be able to look at everything
I wish, I knew what to do for the best.
I wish, I had the gift to switch off, stop thinking, to enjoy
what I have.
I wish, most of all to be able to stop thinking about ways to
take my own life so I can end the 'wishing', the pain and the utter
hopelessness I feel on a constant basis and to be able to see clearly that my
family, friends, colleagues and most importantly myself need me to
stick around and love me.
In the space of a 10-minute walk back home from a meeting, I
actually enjoyed about a project I am involved in, I managed to think about
killing myself 3 times! Firstly throwing myself in front of the next car on the main
road, secondly, hanging myself from the tree in the park (I thought about how I
would tie my legs together so I couldn't swing about and use the tree
trunk for purchase if I changed my mind) and finally, I had my keys with me so I
thought I would get in the car and drive off and find somewhere to buy a lot of
paracetamol and finish what I started back in April. Why didn't I do any
of them? Because I, as daft as it seems, thought about Ludlow, my dog, not
getting a walk.
At the moment, I have to use little things as excuses to get
me through the day such as the student at work that needs help, Ludlow needing
a walk, making a list of projects for the house and garden and tidying up my
email inbox for the umpteenth time.
You would think that having a family and friends that love
and care so much about you would be enough, and it’s not that it isn't, it’s
just that right now my mind thinks they would probably be better off without
You would also think that having a holiday booked at the end
of the month in Cornwall for myself and 15 close friends and family, during
which we have planned all manner of exploits and fun; would be enough to look
forward to. It isn't, I just think they would be better off going without me as
I am so miserable.
Finally, you would also think that having a job I love,
making a positive difference to other people, with lots of excellent projects
in the pipeline, and living in a place that allows me to contribute to numerous
community projects, to entertain and support the people who live there; gives
me something to look forward to and occupy me. It certainly occupies me and
whilst doing them it stops me thinking dark thoughts, but it only delays the
inevitable descent in to once again feeling hopeless and I find myself trying not to look forward to them, as I don't want to experience the feeling of it being over afterwards.
Until such time that I stop feeling so hopeless, I am
clinging on to the excuses, I am talking to friends and family and I’ll keep
struggling on.
Lastly to adapt a phrase from the end of the film 'Jerry
Maguire' where it cuts to Dickie Fox (if you haven't seen the movie you
need to).
"Hey, I don't have all the answers. In life, to be honest, I failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my wife. I'm trying to love my life. And I wish you every happiness".
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