The Human Head Weighs Eight Pounds

I'm struggling, really struggling and I don't know where to start with this blog, to be honest I am forcing myself to write it. I wish there was a switch, tablet, task, operation, magic trick or action you could take to snap out of depression, if there was I would be first in line. I hate being miserable, worthless, having no purpose, numb, suicidal and having to put on a brave face to mask my despondency. I wish, I had that ability some people seem to have to move on, box off, forget, park their troubles and issues. I wish, I had that skill to be able to look at everything rationally. I wish, I knew what to do for the best. I wish, I had the gift to switch off, stop thinking, to enjoy what I have. I wish, most of all to be able to stop thinking about ways to take my own life so I can end the 'wishing', the pain and the utter hopelessness I feel on a constant basis and to be able to see clearly that my family, friends, colleagues and most ...