
Showing posts from October, 2019

World Mental Health Day Again.......

Today is World Mental Health Day a day to highlight that a simple 'are you okay?' at any time and on any day can make such a big difference to someone who needs it. We all concentrate on the quiet friends but in most cases it’s the larger than life ones who need you to ask them if they're doing okay? Those few words and few minutes you take out to ask someone how they're doing could be the moment they need to open up about emotions that they feel they're drowning in. If you're on the other end of that, never be afraid to ask for help, to ask a loved one for help. They love you for a reason and are there to help and support you when needed. Never be afraid to ask for that help. It's time we carried on talking. Talking among ourselves, so those who feel overwhelmed by their feelings understand they don't have to be afraid to speak to someone. I just spent a weekend in Barcelona, it's full of cafes on every street corner not just in the centre of the ci...